Hey guys, my name is Michele. I started this blog because the story I'm writing in particular has stuck with me since the 10th grade. I had started writing but gave up on writing for a long time. These characters, in a way, called to me and it's about time their story is heard.
Just to tell you guys a little more about myself, I'm 19 years old, turning 20 this coming January. I currently live in the northern part of Florida but will hopefully be moving with my boyfriend over the next year. Since I'm on winter break I don't do all that much aside from writing, a little reading, play video games both on console and online, and keep in touch with friends.
Writing is something I love to do to get me going and give myself an energy boost but when I need to cool down or relax myself I love to bake. Baking and sometimes cooking can be very therapeutic for me. My favorite thing that I've made, so far, is the Pumpkin Truffle Pound Cake. It was a little too rich for me but oh my goodness it was delicious.
I'm in school full-time, working toward a degree as a RN then later going on to school to be a psychiatric nurse. I've always had an interest in what's going on in someone else's brain and helping others with whatever is bothering them. This way, being a psychiatric nurse was kind of a calling for me.
If you want to know about more, want to ask any questions, or just simply want to chat, don't be afraid to give me a shout =3.